Month: December 2006

Below are all the posts archived for the month.

Glass Segments
in Articles

Glass Hollow Wares Glass hollow wares are used as packaging used for beverages, medicines, chemicals, food and cosmetics. Because they are used to package consumables and medicines special formulae are used in their preparation to avoid spoilage. Glass Wares Glass wares are kitchenware i.e. bowls cups, saucers, glass tumblers, mugs, jugs, plates and handicrafts, like
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Shri Balkishan Agarwal Industries Limited

Business of Shri Balkishan Agarwal Industries Limited Shri Balkishan is a glass manufacturing company established in 1990 located in Firozabad and the primary products of the company are glassware, tableware, bangles and kitchenware. While the initial furnace capacity of the company was 40 tons per day the company increased its capacity three times to 120
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