Month: March 2009

Below are all the posts archived for the month.

Selling Puts is NOT Free Money
in Articles

Selling Puts and collecting premiums is being touted as collecting free money at quite a few places online. I first came across this concept when the Canadian Capitalist wrote about it — showing how wrong it is. It took me quite some time to understand why some people think that this is free money because
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Who Will You Take Your Financial Advice From?
in Opinion

SVB recently wrote about how some people have benefited from Cramer’s show over the years and long time viewers are likely to stick to his defense, even as casual followers tune out — given the recent mistakes he made. The question is — if a financial advisor failed seeing this coming; would you still take
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Silver ETF: iShares Silver Trust (SLV)
in ETF

iShares Silver Trust (SLV) is the world’s larget silver ETF backed by physical stock of silver bullion.  It trades on the NYSE Arca and is a good option for investors looking to invest in silver by means of an ETF. The sponsor of iShares Silver Trust (SLV) is Barclays Bank. Backed by Physical Silver Bullion
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Investing Mistakes
in Opinion

When I bought my first stock, I created a spreadsheet. It had optimistic and pessimistic scenarios. The worst case scenario was the stock goes down 50%. I don’t remember the best case scenario. When I keyed in that scenario, I chuckled to myself and thought that it would never happen. It happened in about two
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Geithners Public Private Partnership Plan Details
in Opinion

Mr. Geithner’s plan to remove bad assets from bank’s balance sheet is finally out and is a roaring success with the market, which rallied about 7% today. The plan is divided into two parts; the first part deals with the problems of “Legacy Loans” (formerly known as toxic assets). The second part is an expansion
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