Month: April 2009

Below are all the posts archived for the month.

US 2009 Q1 GDP Numbers
in Economy

The GDP numbers released yesterday looked bad and marked the third consecutive decline in GDP. The economy shrank at 6.1% and the only glimmer of hope was — consumer spending. When we entered this year, a lot of people expected recovery to begin in the second half of the year, but now it seems that
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Citi and BoFA Fail Stress Tests: Time for Bonuses?
in Economy

WSJ reported yesterday that regulators have told Bank of America and Citigroup that they would need to raise more capital based on the stress test results. Obviously, this means that their current capital is not enough and they have failed the stress tests. What this also means is that the great first quarter results shown
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Prepaid Cards: Pros and Cons
in Credit

Prepaid Cards have been around for a long time now, and a lot of people use prepaid cards despite their costs and charges. Prepaid cards have their pros and cons and are targeted at people who find it difficult to open a bank account and need a card to shop online or just avoid carrying
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OneMint – Economy and Your Finances – April 26, 2009
in Articles

Welcome to the April 26, 2009 edition of OneMint – Economy and Your Finances. As usual, there are some great entries here, so read on and enjoy your Sunday! John Russell presents 14 Auto Insurance Savings Secrets – Part-1 of 14 posted at The Low Cost Auto Insurance Guru, saying, “If you knew how this
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Bullet Proof Jackets For Elections
in Opinion

A few weeks ago I wrote about the upcoming Indian elections and how they offer an opportunity for an economic stimulus. Candidates spend on SUVs, television ads, rallies and such to promote themselves, and in turn, boost the economy. I didn’t realize that candidates spent money on bullet proof jackets to protect themselves, when they
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Tata Motors FD: Questions
in Investments

Tata Motors Fixed Deposit Plan has aroused a lot of investor interest and people have been quite interested in getting more information about this FD plan. One of the things that I had missed about the Tata Motors FD plan when I wrote about it earlier was the increased rate of interest you get, if
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Gold ETF: iShares Comex Gold Trust (IAU)
in ETF

iShares Comex Gold Trust (IAU) is a Gold ETF, which holds physical gold as its underlying asset and moves in tandem with gold prices. The sponsor of IAU is Barclays Bank and it trades on the NYSE ARCA. As the sponsor — Barclays has appointed The Bank of New York as the trustee and it
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The Roof And The Floor
in Opinion

The Investoralist had this excellent post on the narrowing of gap between the rich and poor and how the inequality gap was shrinking. Here is an excerpt: “In the US, the statistics are no less glaring. Numbers show that in 1979, the top 0.1% Americans earned 20 times the income of the bottom 90%. This
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Store Brands: Money Saving Idea
in Articles

Store Brands are a type of Private Label, and as the name suggests — they are brands owned and named after a store. For example — Walgreens has a wide range of store brands, which includes body washes, shaving accessories and other such things that have the Walgreens name on it. Store Brands are cheaper
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