Month: June 2009
Below are all the posts archived for the month.
Interview: Ray from Financial Highway
in Opinion
Today, we interview Ray from Financial Highway. Ray has been involved in the investment industry for a number of years now and this interview is focused on financial advisers and what you should know about them. Please consider subscribing to his feed. Here is the interview. Q1. Who should think about getting a financial adviser?
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Upcoming Interview: Ray from Financial Highway
in Opinion
Tomorrow there will be an interview with Ray from Financial Highway. Ray has been involved with the investment industry and there will be questions on conflicts of interest between a financial adviser and the customer (my favorite), questions to be asked, when seeking an adviser and who should get a financial adviser (among others). Ray
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India ETF List
in ETF
After the gold ETF list, oil ETF list and silver ETF list, next in line is the India ETF list. Strictly speaking, there are just two ETFs that focus on Indian equities. There is one ETN that focuses on Indian equities, and then I included an ETF that invests in Indian and Chinese equities. Here
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Interview: Silicon Valley Blogger from The Digerati Life
in Links
I am a big fan of Silicon Valley Blogger (SVB), who runs The Digerati Life and The Smarter Wallet. Last week, she did an interview with Ask Mr. Credit Card, and I liked it very much. My first thought on seeing the duration of the interview (1 hour) was that it is just too long,
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Interesting Reads June 27 2009
in Links
Last week, I accidentally deleted the wittiest comment I ever got. I spoke about chess in my post, and DR posted a comment, which said: “e4” I thought he didn’t mean to write that, and it was a typo or something. So, I went ahead and deleted it. Later on, I emailed him saying that
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Of Black Swans and Put Options
in Opinion
Nicholas Taleb is famous for his black swan concept, and also for making a lot of money when everyone else is losing it. So, I was intrigued to read this piece by Janet Tavakoli via Market Folly. It says: A recent GQ article quoted Nassim Nicholas Taleb as saying that in the falling market he
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Dow Jones Industrial Averages: Mythbusters edition
in Investments
I wrote a post over at the Dough Roller about how the Dow Jones index was calculated, and the Finance Nerd left a great comment with a link to a Stanford Paper written by John B. Shoven and Clemens Sialm, which busts some myths about the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). But, first a little
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Will you choose sincerity or brilliance?
in Opinion
Image by Davic I used to be a star performer in your team till a couple of years ago, and then I got lazy. I worked in sales and broke into some major accounts. As a result, my bonus payments grew and even though I didn’t make any new sales, my old breakthroughs meant that
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Interview: Options for Rookies
in Opinion
I am happy to present my interview with Mark from Options for Rookies. I wrote a brief intro about him yesterday, which can be found here, and I know that readers are always looking for useful e-books, so I want to point you to two free e-books from Mark, one is a rookie’s guide to
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Upcoming Interview: Mark from Options for Rookies
in Opinion
I am happy to announce that tomorrow there will be an interview with Mark, from Options for Rookies. I have been following this blog for only a short period of time, but I still think, if you want to get started on options, this is a good place for you. Here is a brief intro
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