Month: September 2009

Below are all the posts archived for the month.

Follow the money: Washington to Wall Street
in Opinion

The following is a guest post by Taipan Publishing. It is written by Adam Lass, who is the Senior Editor of Wave Strengths Options Weekly. All views expressed are his own, and this is not a buy recommendation from One Mint. This American company has gained 777% the old-fashioned way: selling junk in backroom deals.
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Warren Buffet’s Op Ed in NYT
in Investments, Opinion

About a year ago, Warren Buffet wrote an Op-Ed in the NYT: Buy American. I am. I was reminded of this today when a friend mentioned that in that article Mr. Buffet had said that the market will move up, perhaps significantly, long before sentiment or the economy turns up. And that’s happened now. When
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Oil India IPO Allotment and Thinksoft IPO Subscription

A quick post on one useful fact and one interesting one related to the Indian IPO market. The useful fact is that Oil India IPO allotment has already been done, and you can find the allotment details here. The shares will list on 30th September. The thing that I found interesting was that looking through
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Economy and Your Finances Carnival 27th September
in Articles

Image by KP Tyson Welcome to the September 27, 2009 edition of this carnival. I hope you are having a good Sunday, and here are some great posts to make it better. Debt presents Credit Recipes: Cooking up Credit Score Greatness posted at SpendOnLife. Tom Tessin presents How to Get Out of Debt Fast
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Retirement planning calculator facts
in Articles

After my post on retirement yesterday, I got a little more interested in the subject, and did a bit of research on how you could plan your retirement. This is the first time I have thought about the subject, and I think age is a large part of that. To me, the first thing to
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Traits of early retirees
in Opinion, Thrift

Image by Glenneroo My Wealth Builder had a very interesting post about his observations on people in the Early Retirement Forum. It is a forum for people who have either retired early or plan to do so. He picked up the following things while going through some threads there: Members show above average understanding of
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Crazy oversubscription numbers
in IPO/NFO, World

At first I thought it was not reading it right, but I was: Sinopharm Group Company, which is China’s largest drug distributor company, recently came out with an IPO, and the issue got oversubscribed 570 times its Hong Kong part! It attracted about 884 billion dollars (Hong Kong not Zimbabwe), and raised its maximum of
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