Month: November 2009

Below are all the posts archived for the month.

The garlic bubble
in World

I first came across China’s garlic bubble on the Economist, which said prices in China’s garlic growing capital – Jinxiang have risen 40 times since March. China produces as much as 75% of the world’s total garlic, and is the biggest producer in the world. Here are the ostensible reasons for this garlic mania: 1.
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IDFC Real Estate Equity Mutual Fund NFO

IDFC has filed a draft prospectus with SEBI, and is coming out with an open ended mutual fund targeted at the real estate sector. This fund will primarily invest in shares of real estate oriented companies in India. The asset allocation will be as follows: Asset Class Range of allocation Equity and related instruments of
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Fun Global ETF Portfolio
in ETF

Patrick J left an interesting comment last week about a portfolio with a certain asset allocation. This is what he had in mind: 30% — Large Cap, 30% — Europe, 10% — Small Caps, 10% — Emerging, 10% — Bonds and 10% — China So, I tried creating a portfolio with ETFs that had these
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Economy and your Finances Carnival 22nd Nov 2009
in Articles

Welcome to the November 22, 2009 edition of this carnival. TIP Guy presents Shortlisting Five Companies for Potential Long Term Investment Analysis posted at Matthew Paulson presents Tips for Using Your Credit Cards Wisely For Black Friday and Cyber Monday posted at American Consumer News. presents 72% of U.S. Adults Fear Online Identity
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Is P/E Ratio a fair indicator of market levels?
in Opinion

Last week I had a guest post at The Smarter Wallet discussing the concept of Cyclically Adjusted P/E Ratio (CAPE), which is essentially – P/E Ratio after taking into account earnings for the last ten years (adjusted for inflation). One of the takeaways of that post was that CAPE gives you a fair indication of
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