Month: June 2010

Below are all the posts archived for the month.

Weekend links: June 26 2010
in Articles

First up, let me share this hilarious video of Hitler getting upset over the iPhone 4 reception problems. I didn’t get quite a few references in this, but still found it LOL funny. He’s Upset About the iPhone 4 Antenna from MG Siegler on Vimeo. On to some other stuff now: World’s biggest gold coin
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Petrol prices freed from government controls
in Economy

The big news today is that the government has freed petrol prices, and raised prices of kerosene, diesel, LPG, and cooking gas prices. From Reuters: A panel of ministers increased prices of state-subsidised diesel, kerosene and cooking gas prices, which could help reduce the fiscal deficit from the projected 5.5 percent of 2010/11 GDP and
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Motilal Oswal MOSt Shares M50 ETF
in ETF

Update: Motilal Oswal left a comment on this post pointing to more recent documentation about the ETF, which contains more information about the underlying index. Here is the updated post with that information. By now at least a few of you must have heard about this new ETF that is based on some sort of
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France’s loss is Buffet’s gain
in Articles

Interesting piece in Business Week about Berkshire  insuring other companies against a France victory. From BW: Warren Buffett won his bet against France in the World Cup when the 1998 champion was eliminated by South Africa. France fell 2-1 to the host nation today, after drawing Uruguay and dropping 2-0 to Mexico. Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
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