Month: August 2010

Below are all the posts archived for the month.

Getting started as an investor: Consider Asset Allocation
in Investing for Beginners

This is the next article in my series for investing for beginners (first, and second post), and focuses on asset allocation. What is Asset Allocation? Most people start out investing without having a strategy, and invest their money in different assets without necessarily thinking about the distinction between them, and how the risk – return
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Reader email: Tony’s journey on the stock market roller – coaster
in Reader stories

The first poll here at OneMint was born out of my exasperation with emails from readers inquiring about mutual fund refunds, and I never expected it to take the momentum it has. There were some great comments, and then Gaurav shared the story about his journey, and today I am glad to share Tony’s narrative, which
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Getting started as an investor? – Diversify
in Investing for Beginners

Reader Allwyn wrote to me a few days ago inquiring about books, and websites that help people  get started with investing, or if there was such a series here on OneMint, and since there is none, and it is such a great idea – I thought I will write one now. In February this year,
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How does the spend on Common Wealth Games compare to other sporting events?
in Economy

Stories about the Common Wealth Games are almost always about corruption, inefficiency, and poor planning, and while we all know that paying 4000 bucks for toilet paper and 6000 bucks for umbrellas is over the top – how does the total spend compare with what other countries spend on sporting events? I looked up CWG
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How to change the color of a bar graph in excel?
in Personal Technology

Someone asked me how to change the color of a bar graph in an Excel sheet, and I thought I’d write a quick post about it since it is a fairly straightforward thing to do. Say you have a bar graph which displays two parameters – Good and Evil, and Excel throws up a graph
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