Month: September 2010

Below are all the posts archived for the month.

Poll results: How much money do you need per month to retire in India today?
in Retirement Planning

In the last poll I had asked you how much money do you need per month to retire in India today, and 48% of you (190 votes) said between Rs. 20,000 and Rs. 50,000. To my surprise, the next biggest segment was the more than Rs.1,00,000 segment with 20%, and you can see the rest
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How to turn conversations off in Gmail and Microsoft Outlook 2010
in Personal Technology

I started using MS Outlook 2010 a few weeks ago, and one of the first things I searched for was how to turn off the conversation view in Outlook. It confused me a little in the beginning, and it probably still will, and I just had to get rid of it. It’s really quite simple
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A few details on the Daily Systematic Investment Plans
in Investments

In response to my post about Perpetual Systematic Investment Plans (SIP), reader GKN inquired about Daily SIPs, so here is a brief post about them with whatever info I could find. What is a Daily SIP and who offers it? Daily SIPs are intended to be schemes like SIPs, but invest a sum daily, instead
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A primer on the New Pension Scheme (NPS)
in Retirement Planning

I’ve wanted to write about the New Pension Scheme (NPS) a lot sooner, but never got around to it. Reader Gaurav sent me some great material on it, and got me started. The stuff that he sent me was an entire post in itself, but I thought I’d add to it, and create a comprehensive
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Some surprising facts about India’s green energy
in Economy

Countries and companies alike are focusing a lot of their attention on green technologies, and lately I’ve been reading up on what India is doing to generate power by green technologies. I am interested in this space because I believe that countries that achieve breakthroughs in green technologies will rule this century, and because I
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