Month: January 2011

Below are all the posts archived for the month.

How to unsubscribe, and links
in Links

Some time during the last week OneMint crossed 5,000 subscribers, and I’m really happy about that. However, at the same time – I realize that some of you don’t read the email newsletter, and simply delete it every day, and would like to unsubscribe. If you want to unsubscribe, simply reply to this email asking
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Enter the giveaway, double your chances, and verify your entry
in Opinion

I wish I could write catchy headlines, but I can’t, and this is all I’d like you to do. Enter the contest if you haven’t already Double your chances, if you haven’t already Please verify that I have your entry marked correctly Read on to see how. Enter the give – away to win a
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Reader Question: Tax Saving Fixed Deposit or Infrastructure Bond
in Investments

Kunal still has some way to go before he reaches his 1 lakh limit, and he left a comment about comparing a tax saver fixed deposit with the 80CCF infrastructure bond, and which one works out better. I responded to that question, and since I’m a bit lazy today I thought I’d use that response
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Tax Saver Fixed Deposits with High Interest Rates
in Fixed Deposits

Updated on Jan 2nd 2013. I updated my tax saver fixed deposits page today, and I thought I’d create a separate page to record some of the better paying interest rates on these tax saving FDs. With that in mind, here is a list with some of the best interest rates on fixed deposits that
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