Month: May 2011

Below are all the posts archived for the month.

All ETFs are not created equal
in ETF

Continuing with the theme of ETFs this week, today I’m going to write about something that doesn’t impact Indian investors yet, but will surely impact them in the years to come. Currently, the name of the ETFs pretty much lets you know what it means and there’s not much difference between different ETFs of the
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7 ETFs I’d like to see in India
in ETF

Arif commented on yesterday’s post that I had misinterpreted the question, and it was in fact a question about variety of ETFs, and not Options on ETF. I don’t know if I misinterpreted or not, since Amruta who originally posted the comment hasn’t responded yet, but I think that the question of which new ETFs
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Lack of ETF Options in India
in ETF

This is another post from the Suggest a Topic page, and it’s about Options trading on ETFs, or rather the lack of ETF Options in India. Here is Amruta’s comment. ETF Options are widely traded in US markets. Would like to know ur take on their introduction in Indian markets? which etfs should they b
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Can I open a fixed deposit without opening a savings account?
in Fixed Deposits

From time to time someone leaves a comment inquiring if a fixed deposit can be opened in a particular bank without having to open a savings account there as well. I checked this with someone who works in a public sector bank, and he told me what I suspect most of you already know. He
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Free MoneySights Portfolio Tool Invite and Review
in Investments

In the past I’ve written about portfolio tools like Rediff Money Portfolio and Moneycontrol portfolio, and today I’m going to write about a new web based portfolio tool from MoneySights. Regular readers may recognize this name because I’ve mentioned them earlier when I used them to research mutual fund data for the post about calculating
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How to calculate returns from a SIP (Systematic Investment Plan)?
in Mutual Funds

About a week ago I exchanged comments with a reader who was comparing returns from a lump-sum investment in a mutual fund with a SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) in the same fund. Basically, seeing whether Rs. 36,000 invested 3 years ago, amounted to higher or lower than Rs. 1,000 invested every month for 3 years
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