Month: August 2011

Below are all the posts archived for the month.

How is tax on NCDs calculated?
in Tax

Reader Kanti Kiran emailed me with a couple of corrections related to taxation of NCDs post that I wrote yesterday, and I’m going to talk about them in this post. I said that the cumulative NCD option is not tax free, and that the money you get during the redemption will attract capital gains. Kanti
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Bionic Hand, Vanishing Trees and Polished Chauffeurs
in Links

First up, here is a video about a very meaningful technology that’s amazing, as well as heart warming. The bionic hand works using electronic signals from the ending of the hand, and you can see from the video that the technology works quite well. Like any breakthrough, it’s expensive, but it’s only a matter of
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My thoughts on equities, fixed deposits and gold
in Opinion

This week has seen a lot of unusual activity along different asset classes and has continued to add to the environment of uncertainty that was prevailing earlier (and I’m only talking about economic environment here). Wednesday saw the NCD of India Infoline list at a big discount of 8%, which hasn’t happened before, and gold
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Print Solar Cells, Stanford Prison Experiments and Accidental Insurance
in Links

First off, let’s start with the most amazing thing I learned this week – MIT researchers have found a way to print solar cells on paper! Now, isn’t that something – apparently it could already be done, but the new method is much better than the old one. They need special room, and equipment of
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