Month: April 2012

Below are all the posts archived for the month.

Nature of truth, Game Theory in Penalty Kicks and Mining Asteroids
in Links

First up, this fascinating profile of Marc Andreessen who developed the first graphical browser, co-founded Netscape and is currently a venture capitalist invested in some of the most important technology companies in the world. Next, an intriguing excerpt from a conversation between Albert Einstein and Rabindranath Tagore where they discuss about the nature of Truth
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When you do get shares in another company automatically?
in Investments

Thiyagu posted an interesting comment the other day where he said that he held some shares of L&T Holdings, and when L&T divested its stake in L&T Finance he expected to automatically get shares in L&T Finance but was disappointed when he didn’t get any. So, the question is under what conditions should you expect
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Facebook’s 51 million Indian active users and other interesting numbers
in Personal Technology

Facebook filed the fourth amendment to its S-1 today and I found some really interesting numbers going through it. I’m sure everyone has read the 901 million and 500 million number which is the number of active Facebook users and the number of mobile users, and at this rate it only looks inevitable that Facebook
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Three Problems
in Opinion

The second problem is that you have money that you want to invest, and there is a range of products that you can choose from. It’s not immediately clear which option deserves  your money and you need to do a lot of research to get to the right decision. The good news is that the
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Part 2: Futures and Options – How do Futures work?
in Investments

Between Options and Futures – I would say that Futures are a lot easier to understand than Options since they pretty much work in the same manner as shares. A Future is a contract between two people that has to be settled sometime in the future and with respect to the Indian stock market, here
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Important Indian Economic Numbers and their Release Date
in Economy

Given how much excitement there is over the possibility of a repo rate cut during RBI’s Monetary Policy announcement tomorrow I decided to take a look at some other major economic numbers that were declared recently, and found that it is really cumbersome to get a snapshot of the major economic numbers at one place.
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