Hello there! My name is Manshu and I am the blogger behind OneMint.
OneMint started out as “Mint” a few years ago. At that time, it was not a website, it was the name of a computer in the network of computers that belonged to the students of Goa Institute of Management. The PC belonged to a student who was majoring in finance (I have long since graduated). To me, that was the beginning; not when the website was created, but when I named my PC — Mint and started writing.
When Mint sought a home on the web — surprise of surprises, the name “Mint” was already taken.
So, for a brief time there existed “IndiaMint”. But it soon dawned on me that Mint was meant to cover the world of finance and investments and not just the Indian world of finance and investment. Thus OneMint came into existence.
OneMint is a blog where I write about things related to personal finance, technology and economics that interest me most, and which I feel will help others make better decisions about their money.
I’m not a finance professional and never went to work for a financial organization, so be warned – you are reading stuff written by just a blogger and not a professional. Use the information present here keeping that in mind. The blog is edited and managed by Pradeep Kumar Verma.
If you need professional advice tailored to your situation – I am sure there are good professionals doing that but OneMint is not the place for it.
There are no products for sale here, and OneMint is not affiliated to any agents or brokers or anything of that sort (I do sometimes link to books from Amazon which constitute affiliate sales), so I can’t help you sell any insurance policies or mutual funds etc.which sometimes people ask me about.
I hope you find the site useful, and it can help you in your quest of making better financial decisions.
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