Suggest a topic

A lot of you reply to the daily emails with suggestions for posts, and I really appreciate that because it gives me post ideas, and I can write about stuff that is most relevant to you.

Normally, I take the gist of your suggestion; create a title of the post, and note it down on a virtual sticky note. But, the issue with this is that it is easy enough to miss an email, and sometimes the titles on the sticky notes don’t make any sense to me when I look at them later on.

So, I am creating a page here that is specifically for your suggestions for posts. You can leave a comment here suggesting an idea for a post, and if I know enough about the topic I will write about it.

That way we won’t lose track of anything you say, and if multiple people suggest the same topic for a post then I know that it should be written prior to moving on to other things.

Thanks for reading – and writing!

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1,786 thoughts on “Suggest a topic”

  1. dear sir
    I am TECHIE & i am preparing myself to start INVESTING in stocks. google revealed your post & i really admire your work.It will be more helpful if there is a post describing investing for novices like me.


    1. Krishna – Even a novice can understand a book like “One up on the Wall Sreet” by Peter Lynch. Grab a copy – it makes light reading for a week -and you should be done. Do you want to come back and then discuss more?

      1. thanks for d great advice, right now i m into his other book “learn to earn”
        I will definetly come back with basics strong

    2. Please jump into stock market. Your money in the stocks must be contained to 20% of your investment. That’s it and that’s it only.

    3. Please dont jump into stock market. Your money in the stocks must be contained to 20% of your investment. That’s it and that’s it only.

  2. 1) Why arent index funds doing good in india. And why is it they are not given much attention by the investment sites and even fund houses.The expense ratio is around 1 [ greater than 1 sometimes ] and tracking error is also large.I feel the investment help sites have a bias towards actively managed funds

    2)Equity diversification beyond indian market – No good fund yet.

    1. Santhosh – I am pretty sure you are comparing this vis-a-vis the developed markets – especially – the US where Index funds have low expenses and minimal tracking error and where they are a rage.

      Indian economy can be compared to that of the state of the US economy in the late 1950s where rapid infrastructure developments lead to massive economic growth. We have decades of economic (and stock market) growth in the making. Chances are actively managed funds will outperform the index for the next 1-2 decades. When we become a matured economy then the alpha on the actively managed funds will fall considerably and we will all be debating on the best index funds really!

      It is true Equity diversification beyond Indian market is not available. There are few index ETFs like DJIA, Hangseng etc traded in NSE but just that. Some funds like HSBC Brazil exist but again this in turn does not do any specific stock picking – they buy international funds in their portfolio thereby increasing costs for the investor!

  3. Financial Planning for Newly Married Couples.
    Have seen articles on this topic, but nothing that quite helps me in a guided fashion.

    1. First save money wherever possible. To start with put your money in FDs of Nationalized bank. About 20% in a good mutual fund(Make reasearch). 10% purchase 24K gold (not jewels) and keep it in a bank locker. Look out for some one time premium of LIC policies.
      AND learn by saving.

  4. Hello
    This is Rajesh Mishra from Delhi. Would anyone let me understand all about share market from orientation to till now and how company get listed on stock exchange all thing suppose you are going to tell a fresher..
    I keen to know that …

    1. You are asking a degree course on your computer. It is a vast subject, either you will learn it as student and study or by experience of long term of many years.

  5. Hi,
    I am regular reader of your posting.
    I am looking for piece of information : –
    Help to know, If I take tax saving fixed deposite in the name of my wife, will I get tax exemption on the amount.

    Niraj Kumar
    New Delhi

  6. Dear Sir,
    I have an account with IDBI Bank. My account number is 2085404000010680 comprising
    16 digits .Proof of account and cancelled copy of the cheque is given to my DP who has promptly made the changes in bank Mandate and confirmed. The DP has all the details like MICR/ECS Code etc
    In the RBI ECS forms 15 digit account number are entered.Now ECS credits donot get credited to my accounts from dividends on shares,interest on bonds etc.Bank says contact DP,
    DP says contact the company.Mail sent to IDBI Banks customer care says we will revert back to you.What do I do? ( account no is changed for security)

  7. Hi,

    I just came across Religare iTerm Plan. They have rename it to Religare (Medical) iTerm plan, where the maximum policy term is 57 years (Means if an individual has taken the policy at the age of 18, it will cover him till 75 years.) or till one gets 75 year old.

    Looks good to me.
    Is it worth buying.


    1. Sandeep,
      I have taken this Religare iterm plan this year(before they revised). This looks good to me. The procedure was simple and all well managed.
      (Religare’s low prices carried me away 🙂 )However after i took this plan,came to know that AVIVA offers this still cheap!
      My openion – Religare is good and cheap ( Ignore the low claim approval record people talk about as long as you declare your details correctly).How ever consider Aviva too……

      Manshu – Why dont u pay me for my tips 🙂 hahaha joking!

      1. I am a bit concerned about the new plan as it has the maximum coverage time. Usually other term plan providers cover you for 30-35 years. But in the Religare term plan, the maximum coverage time is till you acquire 75 years. Consider a person who 30 as of now and he plans to take this policy, so he will be covered for 45 years. That sounds too good to be true.

  8. Your postings are very interesting, informative and practical. Can you please post an article on “How a retail investor can buy bonds, especially tax free bonds in secondary market in India?”

    Thanks and Best Regards,

  9. Dear Manshu,

    I read your blog before taking any financial decision and i thank you a lot as your blog has really educated me regarding the various financial products. Thanks a lot for your untiring work . However, of late, i have been thinking and worked out a way / plan for the financial benefits which are likely to be received against my policies , god forbid, if something happens to me during the tenure of these policies. I want some one/ some trusted agency/ to handle any benefits received from my policies and benefits given by my employer/ in a particular manner . Are there any such agencies? if not, what steps should i take to ensure that the funds received are deployed gainfully in fd’s/ MF’s etc, as my wife is a housewife and is not very knowledgable about financial products and she may have to take care of my 2 kids and my old mother.

  10. in nps can a corporate choose both type of fund manager at a time,i.e govt line lic,sbi,uti and the fund manager of all citizenship

  11. I received a call from someone from Motilal Oswal telling me that they have launched a new product called ‘Nifty positional trading system with Hedging’ which is an automated trading system which has given over 25% returns in last 4 months and works like PMS investing in futures and options only. I have no knowledge about derivatives. can you pls review this product, how does it work and is it safe to invest in it. I was told the minimum investment in nifty future is 60000 (30k margin & 30k mtm) and the charges would be the normal brokerage.
    surprisingly Motilal oswal’s website has no details about this product.

  12. how it cause of inflation if goverment print money to purchase things from other counteries then why a country face shortage of money

  13. Hi, Could you pls post expert opinion/advice about LIC Jeevan Anand as an investment and life cover option.

  14. Hello,

    1. As these days scams and frauds are increasing as population I would suggest you to inform the readers about good sites which actually pay.

    2. And also Please do give info. about how to select a particular company to invest in?

    3. Whats the process? Where to get registered to buy shares? each and every info.

    4. Can you tell me how to earn revenues by owning a website? Whats the process? And so on.

  15. Hi manshu…iv read that when there is over-subcription in the retail category…there is proportional allotment…could you explain with an example how it actually works…

  16. We are a Green Energy Company located in Bangalore, we were interested to have distributors for our products in Biogas and one International company that we market in India, Energy Saving Device with a patented technology. Our existing clients are Major software companies, Hotels, Restaurants, Schools, Malls, Fast food joints, Retail outlets, petrol pumps etc.

    Companies with good knowledge in Energy Business having dedicated team to back the product would be associated with. Areas open for marketing is East, Central and North India.

    Kindly send company profile at [email protected]

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